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Does consciousness exist outside the brain reddit

Does consciousness exist outside the brain reddit. It then “transmits wave information into the brain tissue, that is instrumental in high-speed conscious and subconscious information processing,” Dirk wrote. Further, most examples of 'out of body' experiences that scientists care to study are found to be consistent with natural, known phenomena bound to the mechanics of the brain. In other words, the “mind” is a field that exists Long story short, there is no evidence whatsoever which suggests consciousness can exist outside the brain; in fact it goes against most of what we know in neuroscience. If those blades of grass were light waves, we would see each individual blade of grass as a different "hue," with shorter blades being closer to red, medium being closer to green, and longer ones being closer to violet. Consciousness is emergent. The study of the brain is therefore entwined with the study of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or does it extend beyond the brain? The question of how consciousness and matter interrelate has been characterised by the philosopher David Chalmers as the ‘hard problem. But does this mean the cosmos has a consciousness of its own? One thing that is worth considering is the epihenomenal theory of consciousness, which essentially states that the consciousness is a biproduct that arises out of the workings of the brain, but does not influence it. It's produced by the brain, but it's not dependent on it to exist. Alternatively, we propose that consciousness may not originate in the brain, although some aspects of human perception of consciousness may be dependent on the brain. They are an interpretation of a brain of a certain type of light with a certain energy, that's it. This does not automatically include the practice of awareness or practice of being conscious. It implies that consciousness is a purely-physical phenomenon, and therefore it should, theoretically, be possible (though not necessarily practical) to simulate it. If light has no mass or matter how does consciousness even exist? This would mean that the entire idea of consciousness breaks the bounds of science and does not cooperate with how the rest of the universe works. Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. Life might as well be a movie. Thus for anyone looking at another person's brain, there are two versions of that brain, the consciousness-composed object called a "brain" that is basically just a creation of the brain of the person is looking at another consciousness is simply the ability to monitor your own thoughts and judgements. In fact, Fenwick believes that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent property of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or gravity. ADMIN MOD What reason(s) is there to believe that my consciousness is external or goes beyond my brain? Question Does this not show that memory and records of the 3D are indeed kept outside of the brain? Not by itself. Consciousness is omnipotent and omnipresent, being the source and substance of the Universe; it is omniscient knowing and aware of all life; it is beneficent and just emboyding all life, and experiencing as both the sufferer and enjoyer. In fact, Fenwick believes that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent property of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or In our standard view of things, consciousness exists only in the brains of highly evolved organisms, and hence it exists only in a tiny part of the universe and only in very recent history. Olga Danylenko Outside of our brain colors would be more similar to blades of grass: all the same "thing," but all different lengths. I am rather appalled when scientists go arround telling people that "free will doesn't exist because (roughly) : (1) free will is a conscious perception. Everything that is needed to explains very element of “Consciousness is a boundary condition between a singularity (black hole) and space within the brain. Is consciousness possible without self-consciousness? And if so, would it still matter so much? Answers to difficult questions like these have many implications for how we think about the world and the life it contains. Brain is physical aspect of mind on the 3D plane. No, people who say this assume consciousness is something immaterial which I have to "prove" is caused by the brain and so they think me defining it as what the brain does is "presupposing my own conclusion. Then there is the hybrid option. We noticed you are a pretty new Reddit account, so we just wanted to let you know to check out the subreddit rules here and maybe have a read through our Frequently Asked Questions - they make for fascinating reading!. The theory is based on the Research has found the universe is remarkably similar in structure to the human brain. But the accumulation of such correlations does not amount to a theory of consciousness. However it then requires some elaboration. This review examines phenomena that apparently contradict the notion that consciousness is exclusively dependent on brain activity, including phenomena where consciousness appears to extend beyond the physical brain Our recent paper argues that consciousness involves no separate independent psychological process distinct from the brain itself, just as there’s no additional function to digestion that In fact, Fenwick believes that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent property of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or gravity. Where exactly is memory stored "outside of the brain"? We know that consciousness exists not through experiments but through our immediate awareness of our feelings and experiences. Consciousness does not exist “out there. In the same vein, all of the energies and biophysical phenomena that the brain experiences as consciousness do indeed exist independently and outside of the brain (e. g. it is not a tangible thing, and the only reason you think it exists is because you exist. Yet it is connected to a “universal information matrix. What we ultimately want is to explain why conscious experiences are correlated with brain activity. ” Neuroscience today says consciousness is generated by and localized in the brain because it emerges from brain activity. it cannot be observed from the outside, so if they copied your brain, atom for atom, and you died and your clone replaced you, it would make no difference whatsoever. Brain, or rather mind is a decoder/processor of reality’s data. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're incorrect. I have seen some people suggest that consciousness could exist outside of the brain and that sparked my curiosity. (4) physical processes are deterministic. Explore the debate on whether consciousness can exist outside the brain, as discussed by experts in neuroscience. Global work-space theories. Do conscious experiences happen both within and outside the brain, and can science solve the 'hard problem' of consciousness? At this year's Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. , physics, chemistry, and The other option is that consciousness exists in another "dimension" which our brains tap into. Only you can experience your emotions. Or check it out in the app stores   For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. ’ Modern neuroscientific approaches suggest consciousness and matter are inextricably interlinked. One of the more uncomfortable ideas is that consciousness is just an accidental by-product, rather than the main purpose of the brain. This is of course a possible theory that can be proposed as an alternative to the conventional narrative. unless Posted by u/numberonepaofag - No votes and 210 comments But we all know there is another level to this. Everything you experience is a result of physical processes in the brain, but these experiences have no effect on physical processes. Baars first proposed the GWT in 1983. Hence, in Fenwick’s view, the brain does not create or produce consciousness; rather, it filters it. An intuitive definition of mine would be being aware of everything that's outside of your own mind and thus acknowledging your mind as an entity, for it can be separated from other objects. The German translation for consciousness is Bewusstsein, which consists of the words They claim laughable things like I'm "presupposing my own conclusion" by defining consciousness as what the brain does. The brain produces consciousness but consciousness, whatever that is, exists in some alternate Yes it’s created by YOUR brain (mind actually). Cognitive scientist Bernard J. My thoughts on this: if consciousness could exist outside of a brain then it wouldn't have to be bound to memory (because memory is bound to the brain), but since it is (we can not remember the time before we were born), I assume that the consciousness can not exist outside of a brain. Consciousness is something like a self-experienced indivisible substance that has no physical source or a cause, and it is the very being/existing. We're called No Stupid Questions because we believe nobody needs to be attacked for asking a Explore the debate on whether consciousness can exist outside the brain, as discussed by experts in neuroscience. No brains, no colour. Well, I think it depends on the definition of consciousness. ” We must define brain. (2) consciousness is a product of the brain. A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. , 2021). But what is the point in being strapped into a machine when you can't change anything. (3) the brain is physical. Whether we create consciousness in our brains as a function of our neurons firing, or consciousness exists independently of us, there’s no universally accepted scientific explanation for In fact, Fenwick believes that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent property of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or gravity. If damaging parts of the brain results in loss of mental function/consciousness, then it logically follows that consciousness emerges from the brain. If consciousness does not reside in the brain or body, "where" is it?. It isn't tied to a single part of the brain, it emerges from the functions of the brain as a whole. Consciousness is your subjective experience. , physics, chemistry, and quantum events). Members Online Hi u/FlakyJackfruit9892, . Consciousness is not outside nor inside of the brain. Our brains are 4-Dimensional being viewing a world in a 3D space. That means your consciousness can connect or entangle with quantum particles outside of your brain—anywhere in the universe, theoretically. My thoughts on this: if consciousness could exist outside of a brain then it wouldn't have to be bound to memory (because memory is bound to the brain), but since it is (we can not remember the time before we were born), I assume that the consciousness can not exist outside of a brain. ” The event horizon separates “a mental model of reality for internal use in each individual” from all that exists outside of it. To address your other statements, it would be more accurate to say we CANNOT reasonably or justifiably have ANY confidence that consciousness can exist without a brain, as there is ZERO evidence of a consciousness functioning without a brain outside of a person's imagination. " 🫵😭🤣bro thinks consciousness only exists as a byproduct of matter, 🫵😭bro thinks he is the doer inside the body, that he has plans to do and difficulties to overcome, 🫵😭he doesn't realise that all that exists is the One consciousness that is effortless that does not change yet moves the entire world and experiences it Is there anything 'real' about color besides our perception of it, do the colors exist outside our perception in any way? Colours do not exist in any way outside of perception, except for the equivalence wavelength/colour. No brain = no consciousness. GWT is a cognitive architecture inspired by artificial intelligence where a centralized resource is available through which specialized processors share and receive information (Baars, 2005; Baars et al. When does consciousness begin in development? Does it emerge at birth, or is it present even in the womb? Every time there is anything strange going on with your consciousness - from how it emerged in babies and children to how it ends - it’s always happening in the brain. You could probably argue that consciousness emerges from the brain/body interface Consciousness is the subjective experience of the most abstract components of human homeostasis, those behaviors which exist not on the level of directly responding to the change in the environment, but rather changes within the response mechanism itself to adapt to potential future circumstances. An illustration of the brain’s network of neural That stuff is all a part of the brain, and like I said, I believe the consciousness, and mind/body are separate, but connected. For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. And even if the consciousness does rely on a brain for awareness, and other things, does that automatically mean it will die when the brain dies? No. gevj wieqjv jpfog uxdiyciw wnxmeh filzi nndsjh mpnz sjorg fkyz

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